Archery Elk
All of our archery elk guides are successful, accomplished archery hunters and understand how to set up bowhunters for those up close and personal elk encounters. Our elk herds are free ranging elk, THIS IS NOT A HIGH FENCE OPERATION! For this reason, we do not hunt our elk all day. Once the bulls stop bugling and it's obvious they've headed for their bedding areas, we head back to camp and return mid-afternoon to hunt. We return to the area and wait until the elk are back on their feet and moving. We have found that by backing out after our elk have bedded down for the day, this prevents pushing them onto neighboring properties, only to be killed by other outfitter's clients. Bare in mind, the weather conditions, moon phase and the various stages of the elk rut will determine how early or late the bulls bed down or how early they're up in the afternoons. Our ultimate goal is to provide our clients with their best shooting opportunity.